Hi!! I’m Ambha… Your friendly and quirky guide for your very own inner transformation journey.
I’m a Kinesiologist, Intuitive Healer, Liquid Crystals Practitioner, writer, poet, mystic and educator.
I work with those who desire positive change, increased self-awareness and transformation in their life. Read more about who I work with >
I offer Kinesiology sessions and Liquid Crystals consultations in-person, as well as online sessions via Skype/Zoom around the world.
I also run workshops and group healing sessions.

Existing clients: Find a date/time that suits you (password protected page).
New clients: Read my Work with me page. I don’t work with everyone, and it’s important that you and I are a good match.
The work I do goes beyond labels
What I really do?
Kinesiology is one of the many tools in my kit. It’s a powerful way in to help you reconnect with your inner Self, but I also work with sound healing, crystals, chakras, timeline therapy, Liquid Crystals and flower essence remedies and more.
All of these tools are just ways in, to help you tap into what’s really going on.
There’s a lot of magic in this work! I’m still awed by what we’re able to shift within a session, each and every time.
Everyone I work with is searching for answers, even if you don’t know what the question is yet. Together, we tune in to your body and subconscious to find the information you need to unwind current stressors and illness and move towards a whole new version of yourself!
I also help people understand that yes, you do have an energy body, and that emotional and spiritual health are equally as important as what you eat, and how much you exercise for your long-term health.
Heart + Mind = Co-pilots of your life
I want you to know what it’s like to have your heart and mind running the show as Co-Pilots.
Most of us have to learn that the mind (ego) doesn’t know everything, even if it thinks it does and it’s not meant to be the CEO of your life!
When you re-assign the mind to do just the jobs it’s meant to be doing, and bring the heart, the gut-mind and other aspects of your wise inner self to act as counsel and guide for your life experience, life no longer feels so scary.
You can learn to trust yourself, your wisdom and abilities, instead of giving away your power to anyone who will take it!
I’m here to act as your guide and facilitator. To encourage you, to believe that whatever it is that you want is totally possible and doable. So, are you joining me?
My story…
My healing work
I’ve been practicing Kinesiology since 2014 and I’ve seen hundreds of clients both in-person and via distance. I absolutely LOVE my work!
I feel like I’ve lived dozens of lifetimes in this life so far. I’ve worked as an actor, a belly dancer, in retail, as well as a long stint in the corporate sector in the digital media industry.
I’m originally from Melbourne, but lived in Sydney for many years. Eventually I left Melbourne again and I managed to find myself living in the heart of Mullumbimby during the 2022 floods! I now live on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.
Living in alignment with nature is of utmost importance to me.
I’m a long-time yoga practitioner and spiritual aspirant. I met my first main spiritual teacher in 1997 and completed six years of traditional yogic studies including yearly retreats around the world, which included intensive practices such as: meditation, mantra, physical yoga, philosophy, and puja (ceremony).
A highly intuitive empath, I’ve always had an interest in spirituality but never expected to end up working as a wellbeing practitioner!
I came across Kinesiology when I was recovering from PTSD, depression and anxiety. I found it incredibly powerful in helping me shift from a state of trauma, and in uncovering other hidden aspects of my experience – such as inter-generational trauma.
As a result of my traumatic experiences, I was also diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s, which I was meant to have for the rest of my life!
But I reasoned that if Kinesiology could help me shift PTSD, then it could also help me resolve Hashimoto’s. And it did!
Combined with naturopathy, yoga, and meditation, that’s exactly what happened! My Hashimoto’s was reversed out in 2013 and has remained that way ever since.
It was around this time that I found myself with the opportunity to study Kinesiology, and I’ve never looked back!
My clients tell me that the way I work is unique.
I approach any/all health problems – be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – from a cross-functional perspective.
My work is a combination of modern and highly effective evidence-based Kinesiology protocols, alongside my intuitive abilities.
My psychic and intuitive capacities allow me to work multi-dimensionally – within present time, other times in your life, as well as ancestral and past life traumas.
I absolutely love learning, and enhancing my knowledge to support my clients.
I’ve continued to extend my post-graduate Kinesiology training with the following trainings with highly experienced and qualified Kinesiology teachers:
Post-graduate Kinesiology training
The Liquid Crystals training
Yoga teacher training
I’ve completed over 1,500 hours of yoga training, workshops and courses, including:
Causes I support
I’m a believer in giving back to our world-wide community, and as such I’m a supporter of the following not-for-profit organisations:

Existing clients: Find a date/time that suits you (password protected page).
New clients: Read my Work with me page. I don’t work with everyone, and it’s important that you and I are a good match.
Much love,
P.S. The work I do? Is for you if you value investing in yourself, and you’re motivated to create positive change in your life!
It’s NOT for you if you’re looking for a quick fix, expect to feel better after your first session (it might happen or it might not), or if you’re not ready and willing to do the inner work.
Read more about who I work with and what I stand for on my Work with me page.
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