I’m equally nervous and excited to let you know that my interview on the Awakening Conversations podcast is now live!
In 2016, I experienced a powerful kundalini awakening that rocked my world and altered my life significantly.
This isn’t a story I’ve shared very widely or very often. And this is not a topic that’s easily understood.
It’s easy for those who have no background in energy work or spiritual training to assume someone going through something like is just losing their mind, or making it up.
It’s also tricky to discuss because for some reason, a kundalini awakening is coveted by some. Honestly, most people would not want it if it happened to them!
We could’ve spoken for much longer except that their episode length is an hour. One day I might share some more, but for now, I’m pleased (and nervous) to offer up this very personal share on part of my spiritual journey.
You can find my interview on the Awakening Conversations website, and also on all the usual podcast platforms.
My hope is that sharing my story will benefit others who might also be navigating powerful spiritual awakening journeys.
Feel free to reach out if you need support, as I do offer spiritual emergency sessions.
Much love,