Surrender and more surrender

Surrender and more surrender

Go on, take it all

She surrendered and surrendered and surrendered

But was still surprised at the thoroughness of the purge

Each layer stripped bare

The smear campaign, so brutal

Just before the final blow she was handed her crown (only slightly chipped in battle)

But this is not your land, my queen

It’s time to go home…so they said

Only going home is not a simple journey

Instead it’s a transformation

A cellular level recognition

A release of everything you’ve ever known

Allowing all that is to pause in the stillness

Recalibrating towards unknown pathways

Always listening and trusting (despite appearances of scorched earth)

The portal is opening and it’s almost time

There’s nothing left to do now, but move through

Yes, she agreed

Battle worn and bruised

And arose

Stalking the path forward

And did not look back


Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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