The benefits of losing your yoga practice

The benefits of losing your yoga practice

Hey y’all…

I wrote a lived experience piece that’s been published over on the Sivana East website. It’s a bit of a potted history of the last few years of my life, from the perspective of losing and finding my movement practices again.

You mightn’t think it’s a good thing to lose your yoga practice. In a lot of ways, it definitely isn’t. But had life not taken all of the twists and turns it did in recent years, I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now. I mean of course, right?

Anyway, this piece talks about yoga, kinesiology, mysterious body pains, kundalini awakenings, my pilgrimage to India, compensation patterns, and also snow globes. All in the name of finding the gold in losing my practice.

You can read it here: The benefits of losing your yoga practice

I hope you enjoy.

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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