
Supplements and self-prescribing

A trend I’ve noticed lately is a number of clients who are self-prescribing, and often over-prescribing themselves with nutritional supplements, based on general advice from online health experts.

Don’t get me wrong – the rise of health-related information available on the internet is on the whole, a good thing.

Years ago when I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I did a lot of online research to educate myself on what it was all about. So I could be my own advocate and make informed decisions about my treatment.

I feel that it’s really important to both work with the appropriate health care professionals AND also understand what’s going on for ourselves.

That said, reading information on the internet about what supplements you should take and deciding on dosage for yourself isn’t ideal.

Why? Because every person, their body, metabolism, system function and the reasons they’re unwell can vary. You need your own personalised treatment plan.

It’s reasonable to say that when an illness is present, there’s a range of nutritional supplements that might be of benefit.

But without an individual consultation, that’s a very broad spectrum approach for a personal situation. It might work out, but then again it might not.

Full disclosure: I’m not a naturopath or nutritionist

However, one of the awesome ways I can use my skills in muscle monitoring (aka muscle testing – one of the main tools used by Kinesiologists) is to tune in and find out what your body is asking for.

It’s one of the reasons I ask clients to bring their supplements to a session, so we can confirm what your nutritional supplement needs are, versus what you think they are, based on information you’ve read online or in books.

Firstly, you don’t always need nutritional supplements

Truly, not everybody needs supplements! And not all of the time, on an ongoing basis.

Of course, the right supplements can absolutely be helpful when there’s a need for them.

I’ll always remember the amazing difference certain supplements made in my energy levels, mood and sense of wellbeing when I was first diagnosed with Hashimotos (now in remission!).

However if you do a Google search, there’s maybe ten different supplements that are recommended for healing Hashi’s. That does not mean that you should take all of them at the same time, or indefinitely!

In fact, one of the supplements that was very helpful in my particular case wasn’t even on that list.

How did I find out that I needed it? Via muscle monitoring in a Kinesiology session.

Which is another way of saying… your body is unique, and what you need to resolve your health problems will be unique to you, too.

So… it’s a very good idea to ensure you’re taking what you need, and only what you need.

5 reasons why it’s a good idea to check your supplement intake

  1. You don’t want to waste your money! The supplements your body doesn’t need end up quite literally in the toilet. More is not always better.
    I’ve worked with many clients who come in with a large bag of supplements, which can be overwhelming for your mind and your body. But if you feel you need them or have been told that you do… you might feel unsure about whether to keep going or stop.
  2. You might be taking too high/too low of a dosage. Muscle monitoring is a way of communicating with your body, conscious and sub-conscious mind, so we can ask for the most beneficial dosage for you.
  3. Your body might not be using them effectively. Even if it’s a supplement you need, your body might be having issues digesting, absorbing, or assimilating the nutrients you’re trying to get in there! Which is something we can investigate with muscle monitoring, and find ways to get those pathways functioning again.
  4. You might benefit from a different nutritional supplement brand. Not all supplements are of the same quality, and not all of them contain the optimal blend of ingredients for you.
    For example, some Magnesium supplements also include Zinc. Which is fine for some people, but not so much for others, depending on what’s going on in your system.
  5. You might actually benefit from real food INSTEAD OF (or in addition to) supplements. That’s right. Sometimes real food is a better/more available source of the nutrients your body needs. In fact, it’s always a good idea to be eating foods that support your nutritional needs as well in addition to any supplements you’re taking.

A final thought

If you’re following health advice from an online expert, and they recommend supplements they’re making a profit from… buyer beware.

There’s no guarantee that those specific supplements are better/higher quality, and you may end up paying more money for them than you should.

If you want guidance on supplements and the best brands for you, please consult a naturopath or nutritionist.

A Kinesiologist can then help optimize what you’re taking in terms of dosage, and double check that your body is using them effectively.

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

Ambha Amanda Roberts - Kinesiologist and Intuitive Healer, Mullumbimby, Australia

Ambha Amanda Roberts is a Kinesiologist, Intuitive Healer, educator and facilitator based on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She offers Kinesiology sessions both in-person and via Skype/Zoom all over the world.

Ambha Amanda is the co-creator of Adventures of Staria, which includes a series of Staria cards, and an upcoming book for children (including inner children).

More about Ambha Amanda | Book a session

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