Trust your Self

Trust your Self

Generally speaking, we all trust our Selves enough to manage day-to-day life. Most of the time anyway!

You trust your Self to know your own name. To remember how to drive a car or ride a bike and tie your shoelaces.

But what about the areas of your life where you DON’T trust your Self as much?

Where you hand over authority to someone else who’s opinions you trust more than your own?

It’s one thing to trust and value someone else’s opinions and ideas. To have key people whose advice you rely on when you’re feeling a bit unsure of your Self.

BUT… that’s not meant to be an ongoing state of play.

It’s really important that you don’t forsake your own intuition and self-regard

So, having faith in your inner guidance is paramount. Which is about standing in your power, and taking responsibility for your life and your choices.

Sometimes you might get stuff wrong (we all do!) but that doesn’t mean you should stop having faith in your Self.

Our culture, of course, encourages us to trust authority figures, regardless of whether they’ve earned it or not. Trust the doctor. Your teachers. Your government.

In general, we’re taught to trust that those in positions of power have your best interests at heart.

The truth is, no one has your best interests at heart more than you do. How could they?

You’re the only one living your life, so you’re the only one who can truly know what’s best for YOU.

Or at least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.

But what if you’ve already given away your power to someone else, I hear you ask?

The good news is that it’s never too late to change how things are. You can always revise what you’re doing, who you’re allowing to influence your life choices and decisions, and adjust your course.

At first, trusting your Self might feel challenging if you’re more used to asking others for advice.

If that’s the case, then start small. Notice when relying on your own opinion has worked out well. And also notice when it hasn’t.

Because it might be time to get curious… why does it work out to trust your Self sometimes, and not others? What else might be going on when things aren’t working out?

It could be things like second (and third) guessing yourself. Or being so confused about what to do that you aren’t really listening to your intuition. Or you’re talking over the top of yourself, letting fear run the show. Or good old comparison-itis.

So it can take practice. But truly, it’s much better if you’re the number 1 go-to for the best advice for you.

Trust in your Self. You’ve totally got this!

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

Ambha Amanda Roberts - Kinesiologist and Intuitive Healer, Mullumbimby, Australia

Ambha Amanda Roberts is a Kinesiologist, Intuitive Healer, educator and facilitator based on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She offers Kinesiology sessions both in-person and via Skype/Zoom all over the world.

Ambha Amanda is the co-creator of Adventures of Staria, which includes a series of Staria cards, and an upcoming book for children (including inner children).

More about Ambha Amanda | Book a session

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